Effortlessly onboard your customers within minutes utilizing industry-first features and robust tools. Our cutting-edge technology ensures seamless onboarding with ease and comfort.
Our comprehensive solution integrates seamlessly with all the key players within the BFSI ecosystem, ensuring 100% compliance. It is equipped with a built-in rule-based engine that generates customized workflows based on the profile of the customer being onboarded.
Our partially online digital onboarding system allows directors of the firm to easily complete the KYC form.
We simplify the onboarding process with best-in-class UI/UX and AI.
Engage younger investors with colloquial and informal conversations through a chat-bot-based KYC process.
Experience super-fast OCR and photo face matching that ensures 0% fraud.
A scoring system is in place for each KYC, automatically approving any KYC that surpasses the defined score based on the broker's set rules. RPA handles all pre-set rule-based activities.
1. Speech recognition 2. Liveliness checks 3. Emotion tracking
4. Eye movement tracking 5. Video recording and passive tracking
3rd Floor, Dwaraka Trinity,3rd Floor Plot No-200, Block B, Survey Nos.43/P, 44/P,45, 46 and 48 Part, Kavuri Hills, Guttalabegumpet, Hyderabad – 500033